Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Top Reasons Why Customized Research Reports Are More Productive Than General Reports

While the landscape of market research is wider, one of the most valuable and visible sources of market research are Customized Research Reports created by research firms. These research sources, though virtually, are available in almost every industry, domain and sector, and for an extensive range of issues (e.g., customer acquisition, risk management, employee collaboration, and so forth).

However, apart from being rather expensive- a traditional report runs into thousands- these sources and companies behind them cannot cater to what the majority of businesses need more than anything else: customized advice.

This is just because market research isn’t an issue; regardless of how comprehensive or in-depth the investigation might be. Instead, it’s a form of business intelligence. That is because companies that opt for market research don’t just want to know problems and solutions might look like. They are required to know how to get away with their specific problems and achieve unique objectives.

In plain words: Customized Secondary and Primary Research Reports are academic as well as actionable. This is because:

·   Custom market research focuses on a business’ particular marketplace rather than the “marketplace in general”- which is essential, as what may be applicable in one part of the country, city or region, may not be the case in another. Customize research makes this distinction, while secondary research cannot.

·   Custom market research pinpoints and targets different departments and groups that need answers. This is also vital because for each business the issues encountered by the sales team won’t be the same as those faced by product development, operations, finance, customer service, and so on. Custom research does it perfectly and offers relevant information they need on their terms.

·         It’s not abstract or speculative, but practical and data-driven- which turns it into a safe spend.
On the other hand, spending hundreds of bucks on general market research may or may not be a good investment. In addition to that, without the in-house expertise to activate and interpret the information, the report will yet be another document sitting on a shelf.

·      Custom market research reports are cost-effective because data collection methods and overall processes are linked to key priorities. For instance, if a business is in trouble due to excessive customer churn, it can allocate to its market research investment to address the issue.

To know more about the importance of customized research, Procurement Research Services and other business intelligence services, contact Penterra Analytics team today. You will have a quick chat with our experts, who are committed to helping you identify any market research opportunities that could better your business. 

Monday, July 30, 2018

Top 3 Reasons Why Online Retailers Need Conversion Rate Optimization

You might believe that online retailers do not need optimization since buyers are simply searching for a particular product within their budget. If you click on a website, you are already interested and willing to buy something, so the conversion is easy, right?

Wrong! In most cases, retailers need conversion rate optimization analysis more than other online businesses for many reasons which will be discussed in this blog.

A website that’s tough to navigate, doesn’t look trustworthy, or does not prove its value to the page visitor will cause that visitor to click away if they are already determined to take action or not (add a product to cart or checkout).

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is vital for retailers because it allows them to create and manage the most of the site traffic that they have and effectively making more money without spending much on the optimization or customer acquisition.

The following are the top reasons why CRO is crucial for your business:

Rising Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Costs

It’s no secret that PPC price has hiked significantly. High demand for the platform is the reason behind the hike- that’s simple economics, but it does not make shelling out more money any easier. PPC used to be the best way for startups, new and small businesses to get some attention while SEO (search engine optimization) kicked in, but it is becoming less of an option, especially if all clicks aren’t converting into sales.

That’s where CRO assists in making the most clicks that you get so that clicks pay for themselves.

Increase in Online Competition

You will see more and more retailers across the board, competing for your customers. Some of them are easting way other smaller retailers, meaning if you want to convert your visitors into customers you will need a website that is easy to use and which automatically prompt visitors to take the actions you want them to take.

Choosing CRO along with Key Opinion Leaders Profiling will enable you to stay ahead of the competition. 

Effects of Social Media

Social media provides great platforms for marketing and connecting with new and existing customers. There is no denying that social media has boosted the number of page views, but it has also fostered the phenomenon of a shorter consumer attention span. That means you will require capturing customer interest once you have it.

Having your services or products listed on your website is not enough anymore. You better differentiate yourself from your competitors which will need to have a unique story of your own tied to your offerings.

So, these are the top three reasons you need CRO. Penterra Analytics is a leading company which provides numerous services, including Data Entry Outsourcing Services, CRO analysis,  data services, analytics, investment research, pharmaceutical research and much more worldwide.

Contact Penterra Analytics today! 

Why is Market Research Services Important for Your Business?

Every company faces numerous challenges and risk of failures after launching products and services. Businesspeople can’t expect the guesswork and outdated information to work adequately to bring success in the niche market. To position your brand in the market, you need customized and reliable data that would be helpful to make strategic business decisions to realize your business goal.

Market research is more than just identifying your business problems. Market research services will help understand your business, consumers, and competitors well. The analysis is conducted in the form of surveys, studies, and experiments in the real market.

At the end of the research, companies get equipped with accurate market information related to company’s pressing problems, risk factors, possibilities, targeted audience, clients perception, market trends, and analysis of competitors. Companies can make a better business decision knowing the possible risks, effective management and customer’s need to provide the highest satisfaction.

Market research services come in two types: primary and secondary. The primary research provides business a fresh data and insights of the market with thorough analysis by experts. The study is customized based on the company’s goal and need.

Hence, the research is goal oriented or seeking a solution to a specific problem. You will get an insight into customer’s likes, dislikes, and how to improve business’s interaction with the consumers. On the other hand, secondary research service is used to find a general view of products and services in the industry.

In addition to primary research, businesses must complement with market analysis services to find more specific information about the industry. Market analysis is the cornerstone of launching a successful marketing campaign for any company. It provides an analytical and data-driven approach to get answers to difficult questions that arise in operation.

Businesses taking this service will get answers to these questions:

·         Who are our customers?

·         How competitive is the current market? 

·         Possible risks for businesses entering the market

·         Are your branding efforts efficient?

These are important questions for which businesses get answers to in the market analysis. Know the problems and solutions of your business to achieve success in marketing.

Want to get reliable market research services for your business?

Penterra Analytics offers customized market research and analysis services to collect data of the industry necessary for success. Contact us to get business solutions from experts today.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Why Lead Generation Research Services Are Important for Businesses

You will see many businesses struggling-especially when it comes to growth. Let us talk about the importance of Lead Generation Research Services and its impact on business growth.

Importance of lead generation in sales

There is no denying that many businesses struggle due to the poor economy. But many businesses face a “lead generation” problem.

Sales teams are running out of the fuel because they believe that they have hit the limit of companies and people to sell their services or products to.

In reality, sales teams are likely:
  • Looking in the wrong places for new business
  • Do not have a process for qualifying or disqualifying leads
  • Do not have buyers information mapped out properly
People often have a misconception that a sale is only cold calling as many businesses and people as possible unless you get a bite.

The reality is, finding the buyer persona or the right target- is as important to sales as actually selling to them. The very process of finding this new business and opportunities is called lead generation. Some businesses opt for Industry News Monitoring services alongside lead generation services.

Generation new sales leads

One of the biggest things to a successful business is generating new sales leads. A lead is a client or company that has shown some interest in the products or services that your company offers. It can also be the one who fits a target group for what you are offering your services or products.

A sales team cannot be successful without leads. Hence, generating good leads is as vital as refining your pitch or closing well.

Generating the right leads

Now you might be asking, “How does one generate the right leads?”
Some years ago, leads were generated by cold calling, meeting people and purchasing lists. And as any salesperson knows, traditional methods like cold calling have their flows. You can develop leads through networking or cold calling, but this is quite time intensive. And it should not be the only generation source.

Nowadays, technological advancements have provided us with plenty of lead generation options. In the last decade, technology has made it easy for us to target and acquire ideal leads.


Search engines and social media have simplified the process of lead generation to a great extent. It takes a matter of seconds to get a multitude of people and companies who fit the criteria for a potential sale.

It make take some extra to find new lead’s contact information and contact them, but it will be thousands time faster than cold calling. The more leads you receive, the more pitches your team will be going to close. For many organizations, it will make sense to avail lead generation research services or hire full time employees to work exclusively on lead generation.

So, you can contact Penterra Analytics for lead generation and Company Profiling Research services at very reasonable cost. The company has been providing many other services, including industry monitoring and competitive intelligence research.  

Major Similarities and Differences Between Sell Side and Buy Side

Are you in or looking to make a career in the investment banking industry? If yes, then it’s vital for you to know the difference between sell side and buy side. However, many of us are unaware of these essential terms and concepts. On many occasions, I have found students not only confused between the two terms but also about its usage in reference to investment banking roles in the industry.

Studies show that the sell side forms the 50 percent of the finance market while the buy side makes the other half. Let us explore the major highlights of sell side vs. Buy Side Research services.


Sell side encompasses the entities which ease the decision making of the buy side. On the other hand, buy side includes entities that are often involved in making investment decisions.

Firms Involved

Where sell side includes firms such as commercial banking, investment banking, market makers and store brokers, buy side covers hedge funds, asset managers, retail investors, institutions investors etc.

Buy side firms are often bigger in terms of operations, but analyst may be lesser in number. These analysts usually interact with the sell side analysts. The number of analysts is higher when it comes to Sell Side Research services. These analysts are committed to the analysis of specific companies or sectors.

What They Do

Sell side companies keep track of the stocks, the performance of different companies and project their financials mainly based on trends and analysis. Sell side companies are generally “sell idea” to the client. These ideas are communicated for free in most cases. Their work is about financials and annual reports which may include a detailed analysis of the balance sheets, quarterly results, and other published data.

Buy side revolves around the entities that are used in deploying their capital. They may refer to the price and analysis offered by the investment banks for taking their investment decisions. Buy side has a pool of funds which is used for investing.


The main purpose of a sell side is to advise on research and close the deal. Sell side analysts conduct research and convince their investors to trade through their firm’s trading desk. In addition to that, the buy side firms work to beat the indices and generate investment returns for their valuable clients.

If you want to know more about buy side and sell side, Financial Modeling, and Analysis services, or anything else from the finance industry, you can contact Penterra Analytics now. The company provides excellent market research and analytics services. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

How Secondary and Primary Market Research Benefit Your Business

Are you looking to expand your business, starting a new one, introducing a new product or entering a new geographic market? In all the conditions, an effective market research will help you make the right decisions and improve the chances of success.

There are mainly two types of market research: secondary research and primary research. Let us find out the difference between Customized Secondary and Primary Research Reports!

Secondary Market Research

Secondary research primarily based on the data collected from studies previously performed by the chambers of commerce, government agencies, trade associations, and other organizations. For instance, Nielsen ratings and U.S. Census Bureau information are the types of secondary market research.

Secondary research is often free or low-cost and is easy to find. You can easily see the secondary research reports online at industry or government websites, on business websites, at local libraries, and in magazines and newspapers.

The drawback of this research is that it’s not customized to your business needs, so it may not be as useful and productive as primary market research. For example, secondary research data will tell you how much money teenagers of your country spent last year on sports shoes, but not how much they are willing to pay for the type of footwear designed by your company.

Primary Market Research

Primary market research is designed for your business’ particular needs and conducted either by you or an agency that you pay to do the research and prepare the Customized Research Reports for you. Interviews, surveys, focus groups, field tests and observation are some of the finest examples of primary research.

It allows you to investigate an issue of specific interest to your company, assess demand for a proposed service, obtain feedback about your website, get a response to various packaging options, and more.

This research provides more specific results than secondary research, which is vital when you are launching a new service or product. Also, primary research is generally based on statistical methodologies that include sampling as little as 1 percent of a target market. This small-scale sample can give you an accurate representation of a particular market.

Use Both Kinds of Market Research for Your Business

Smart businesspeople do secondary research first and then opt for primary research. For instance, the owner of a cupcake would like to know all about the neighborhood before commencing a new store there. After utilizing information and data acquired from secondary sources, the owner will be able to uncover all sorts of demographic information, such as detailed income and spending habits. The owner can then prepare a questionnaire to find out how often people are likely to buy cupcakes and how much they are willing to pay for it.

To know more about market research and analytics and avail Procurement Research Services, you can get in touch with Penterra Analytics, a leading market research company in India and different parts of the world. 

Why Is Key Opinion Leaders Profiling Important for Pharmaceutical Firms?

Key Opinion Leader (KOL) profiling approval is important for the success factor of a product during its life cycle. Different companies and organizations, especially pharmaceutical, often meet the key opinion leaders in the drug development procedure to receive advocacy and key marketing feedback. Organizations allocate considerable money and time in cultivating Key opinion leaders.

Key Opinion Leaders Profiling is essential for companies, as they want leaders for,

    Advocacy Activity

    Primary Investigation

    Marketing View Points

There are plenty of market research companies which provide you with information, accurate, sharp and high-quality key opinion leader data. KOL services often include:

    KOL identification and mapping

    Primary profiling

    Complete profiling

Some ways to identify KOL in the Bio-Medical field and other disciplines:

·        The main task is to collect important information on individual physicians from available public and commercial resources.

·         MS level curators carry out the project.

·   Information encompassing the physician’s name, address, qualification, research activities, awards etc. are collected and profiled in excel sheets.

·         The project is carried out with two rounds of quality checks.

KOL identification and profiling Services:

·     Primary Profiling: Database development that will help in collecting information on physicians in different domains

·  Complete Profiling: Creating a complete profiling project on a number of physicians in a particular disease area

Apart from KOL identification and profiling, there are other services, such as Data Entry Outsourcing Services and KOL management information that may help you reap great results. When it comes to KOL management information, it includes the development of KOL management system, customization of client’s KOL platform, maintenance of KOL database on an ongoing basis and development of an integrated repository of KOL management information.  

In case you are looking for KOL identification, profiling, management, and ranking services, Penterra Analytics will be the best place for you. The company has a huge database of top-ranked KOLs belonging to different medicinal specialties and geographical locations.

In addition to that, the company offers different services, including Conversion Rate optimization analysis, knowledge services, data services, analytics, investment research, and pharmaceutical research services in India and abroad. 

Monday, July 23, 2018

Why Are Market Research Services Important for Businesses?

Business market research refers to the process of collecting data to understand and determine if a particular service or product will satisfy the needs of your customers. Through effective market research, you will gain valuable information on your economic shifts, demographics, competitors, the latest market trends and the spending habits of your customers. That’s the reason why smart and successful business owners trust in market research services.

Types of Market Research

If you have no idea what exactly market research is, and what sorts of businesses need it, here is your answer. It consists of two types, primary research, and secondary research.

·        Primary Research: It monitors the effectiveness of existing business practices, sales, the quality of services and mediums used for communication. Also, it assesses the current market competition by keeping an eye and evaluating the business plans of your competitors.

·         Secondary Research: When it comes to secondary research, it’s the collection of already published data that assists in situation analysis. It develops strategies for benchmarking, and assists in determining the market segments that a business should target.

Importance of Market Research

With a highly competitive economy, having correct knowledge of the concerns and preference of your clients had become very important. Market research can be the way to ensure customer satisfaction, and find out the factors that affect your business, and to elevate your performance.
Here are some reasons why you cannot ignore market research:

Market research guarantees the success of your marketing campaigns

Market research not only identifies fresh business opportunities but also helps in creating marketing campaigns that will target the interest of your potential customers and assist in increasing sales. It provides relevant and valuable information about the potential of a specific market segment, during a particular time.

It helps you keep a tab on your competitors

Marketing Analysis Services can be of great use in comparative studies. Just like market research, marketing analysis also helps you in tracking your business’ progress as well as the growth of your competitors. You can form business strategies to keep ahead of your business rivals.

 Market research minimizes the loss in your business

With active market research, you will be able to reduce the chances of loss to a large extent. Before launching a service or product, you can pinpoint problems and even determine the solutions. The research conducted after the launch can help you trace loopholes and devise plans to counter the loss and increase the profits.

For availing excellent market research services, you can contact Penterra Analytics. 

Friday, July 20, 2018

Top 4 Reasons Why Hire a Lead Generation Agency

Lead generation is fundamental to any successful marketing strategy- it’s the task of the marketing team to drive interest and demand that eventually results in customers. Many marketers encounter obstacles when it comes to generating leads and this is where hiring a Lead Generation Research Services provider can help boost productivity and get real results.

The following are the top four reasons why hire a lead generation agency:

Access a Team of Experts

Many internal teams are equipped with employees who try to do their best to know everything. On the other hand, marketers are called on to be subject matter experts, copy editors, writers, graphic designers, social media strategists, search engine experts, branding masters and so forth.

The best lead generation companies will provide you with a specialized team of experts that will help your internal marketing team add a level of complexity to your marketing program that can be difficult to get internally without hiring a lot of employees.

Result Oriented

The best thing about seeking help from an agency is that they are not inundated with the daily tasks of your company. Their main aim is to drive results for your business, and this is how they offer value to your company.

With a lead generation agency, you can focus on other goals, initiatives, and priorities. Some businesses also avail Industry News Monitoring services for greater results and get complete information about their market, competitors, and clients.

No More Cold Calling

A recent study reveals that only 2 percent cold calls result in an appointment. Don’t you think it’s an ineffective use of time? While working with a lead generation company, your sales team will be able to spend less time on cold calling and more on talking with prospective customers that are likely to make purchasing decisions.

Shorten the Sales Cycle

With an established lead flow, it’s easy to identify well-qualified leads. This means that it’s easy to understand when buyers are giving signals of being approached by a salesperson. Think about your actions when you are in a store and ready to buy something- you ask questions, collect information and then seek out a salesperson to help you make the final decision.

This also applies to online buyers. When the lead generation agency assists you in identifying those key buyers research moments, it turns easy to tell where your prospects are and connect with the leads that are willing to buy.

So these are only four out of many reasons for hiring a lead generation agency. To get complete information on industry intelligence research and Company Profiling Research services, you can get in touch with Penterra Analytics, leading market research, and analytics company.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Benefits of Financial Modeling: A Practical Approach

Financial modeling is one of the most sought-after skills in today’s corporate world. The demand for expert financial modeling analysts is increasing day by day.  Since financial modeling is essential to every business, leading companies often choose to avail financial modeling and analysis services. In fact, financial modeling applications are vital to offering vision, garner early-stage investors, and provide stakeholders with relevant information.

Why Use a Financial Model?

So, why do you, as a business person, consider financial modeling applications? The answer may vary depending on the needs of your organization, but can include:

•    Identifying financial risk and strategy

•    Managing cash flows

•    Analyzing quality of earnings

•    Examining EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization)

Like most companies, the human capital stretches. No matter whether you are a CEO, marketing, sales or purchasing executive, financial modeling will play a key role in making decisions.

In addition to that, external stakeholders, such as investors, bankers, private equity firms, and vendors demand financial, as proof of adequately fund an organization’s growth. You will also see businesspeople opting to sell side research services.

A Practical Example of Financial Modeling Benefit

Consider Private Equity or Venture Capital Firm

Private Equity and Venture Capital firms are watchful towards the financial health of their operating companies. Their fundamental question- what is the ROI (return on investment)? To reply to this question, they will need a rigorous budgeting process that includes financial modeling. They may choose to see the financial impact of the need to invest money in marketing, product development etc. Or, maybe the operating company may opt to cut expenses for profitability. The result of these decisions will need providing metrics such as breakeven analysis and EBITDA. These metrics will help management in making the right decisions to manage the company profitably.

The End Result

A financial model needs to be flexible and live. As the company grows, product lines enhance and external forces impact its direction; therefore, financial models must be able to monitor these significant changes.

Models will often generate an actual vs. forecast analysis, forecasting cash flow, and produce KPIs and other analytics. This data is crucial for the major stakeholders to calculate ROI and manage the business.

In the end, financial models capture the future operating, financing and investing activities that determine financial position, future profitability, and risk.

If you are looking for effective financial modeling or buy side research services, Penterra Analytics can be a one-stop company for you. 

Top 3 Benefits of Availing Digital Analytics Services

In our technologically advanced world, digital analytics is often described as a process of analyzing traffic behavior and measuring site statistics. There are various benefits of availing digital analytics services, but we will be discussing top three in this piece.

Doing some effective data analysis is always typical for businesses. However, data analysis is a method that can be used for collecting crucial data to promote your site. That’s why it has been gaining in popularity among blogs, websites and portals.

Digital analytics is used to identify users, analyze market trends, and determine the behavior of website visitors. Here are top benefits of digital analytics:

Monitor Your Visitors and Users

With digital analytics, you will be able to know how long a visitor stayed on your website, who he is and where he came from. It will allow you to know visitors’ clickstreams, the keywords they used, and what made them to visit your site. It can also tell you on how many occasions a user returned to your site and which pages were given preference.

In this age of digital era, you can also opt for social media analytics services to extend your reach to clients from different nations and habits.

Optimize Your Website

After carefully studying the actions of your users, you can act accordingly when it comes to optimizing your website. You will have an idea about the aspects of your website that need to be changed. You will also be able to adjust specific components of your site that need improvement. You can fix technical problems to improve, streamline or reshaped site navigation for assisting your users and visitors better.

Formulate a Sales and e-Marketing Plan

Digital analytics will help you n preparing an e-marketing plan and course of action. This can be more effective as your plan would be based on actual facts rather than more probabilities. You get to know what your market wants. By tracking highly-viewed items, you will learn which products have received the highest response.

It will assist you enhance your earlier programs such as PPC advertising. In short, digital analytics will not only fetch your more clients but also monitor and keep your clients interested in your products or services.

If you want digital analytics, social media analytics or consumer insights analysis services, Penterra Analytics is the right destination for you. The company has been providing excellent digital analytics services for many years now.  

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

How Customized Research Report Services Benefit Your Organization

If you are looking for active market research, one of the decisions you need to make is whether your business intelligence requirements will meet with a syndicated report or if you will need custom research.

Custom research is produced by a single client, and the outcomes are propriety to that client. It’s a collaborative effort between the market research firm and the customer to create a study, and the final Customized Research Reports will address the client’s specific questions and queries.

In case current published reports cannot provide adequate insight to the client, market, and competitors, carrying out a custom market research will offer clearer ideas.

How custom market research benefit your organization:

Laser-Targeted Information

Are you required to do intelligence on a specific market segment that is rolled up into a broad group in current published reports? How will you prepare to face a principal competitor? What would you do to improve your existing customer loyalty? Collaborating with a reputed market research company to design your research will enable you to get answers to individual questions, with a focus on your company, not the companies similar to you.

Deeper Insight

Through custom research, you can delve deeper to get answers to your questions with more primary research, including phone interviews with experts, suppliers and other people in the arena. The quality of Customized Secondary and Primary Research Reports can deliver an additional dimension of insights that is hardly found in syndicated research, which has to deal with a broader spectrum of information.

Budget Flexibility

Custom research is more expensive than the syndicated ones. However, custom research is collaborative, so the market research company you are working with can consider your budget and design a study while answering your critical questions. In case your budget is low than ideal for the type and depth of research needed, they can make recommendations on how to achieve your data needs.

When your business is at a critical crossroads, you will need in-depth information to create a successful roadmap. Here is where the role of custom research becomes handy. Also, if the information that your firm needs to make vital business decisions is not covered in syndicated reports, reach out to a reliable market research company to discuss your needs.

Penterra Analytics is a leading company which provides Procurement Research Services and other market research and analytics services at reasonable cost.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Conversion Rate Optimization Analysis: Meaning and Key Benefits

If you are going through this blog, chances are pretty brighter that you already know about CRO or conversion rate optimization. You may know the basic principles- that CRO encompasses A/B testing versions of a website against each other to know which performs better- but might not have conducted any tests as yet. At this stage, you would be wondering what the benefits of conversion rate optimization analysis are.

Let us find out what the conversion optimization rate is, and how it works on websites.

What is CRO?

CRO refers to the practice of A/B testing two versions of a single website against one another. The primary purpose of the process is to find the version that converts better- that is, the version that generates most leads, phone calls, contact forms, purchases, and so on.

CRO includes testing different factors on a website to observe whether and how they impact conversions. It may include elements, such as an entire checkout process or small ones, like the color of a button.

Top Benefits of CRO

The biggest benefits of conversions rate optimization have to do with money and lead. However, the key advantages of testing your site go beyond that.

The following are top three advantages of CRO:

Make Decisions Based on Data

Before CRO, if you were looking to make a change to your site, you probably did it based on gut feelings. You might have heard someone saying, “We need to change this page because I think it will do better if…”

Here is where CRO comes into play. It eliminates “I think” and leads to “I know.” CRO enables you to make decisions based on facts and data than your gut. In pharmaceutical market research and analysis, some businesspeople choose Key Opinion Leaders Profiling alongside CRO analysis as it complements the earlier.
Get Better Results

When you use the data acquired from CRO analysis to make decisions about changes on your website, you will see that you have obtained results from these changes. In case you have changed the color of a button after knowing that the testing has proved 5 per cent more users click it, you will get at least that 5 per cent- versus unknown conversions from changes made without testing.

Make More Money Over Time

Most blogs and articles on CRO benefits emphasize on the additional money conversion rate optimization can earn you. Though it’s true, you should not expect your CRO analysis to result in millions of dollars in additional revenue in the initial stages. Instead, be positive about incremental revenue you will notice over time.

Mostly, CRO will assist you in identifying small areas of opportunity that can result in increased conversions- and therefore increased revenues- over the span of few weeks.

So these are only three out of many benefits of CRO.

To avail CRO analysis, key opinion leaders profiling and Data Entry Outsourcing Services, you can reach out at Penterra Analytics. Penterra is one of the leading companies offering top class market research and analytics services in India and abroad.

Top 7 Benefits of Market Research for Your Business

You may have plenty of data, but that means nothing if you don’t analyze it thoroughly. By researching your market, you can be one step ahead and have an advantage over your competitors.

Market research refers to a systematic collection and analysis of data about a targeted market, competition, and environment and your aim should be to enhance your understanding of them. What most people don’t remember is: market research is not conducted only once. It’s an ongoing cycle.

The power of information is remarkable when it comes to market research services. The data or information you receive from a market research agency can influence your important business decisions and the findings and conclusions you reach have a value that increases the cost of the research itself.

The following are top 7 benefits of market research:

Market research helps you guide your communication with present and potential customers.

After getting your market research results, you will have enough ammunition to formulate an effective way to communicate with your customers. You should have an idea of what they like or don’t like to see/hear/do. Now, you can design what you say to them to make them take action.

Market research assists you in identifying opportunities.

Research makes it clear that a new product you have planned may not be the one that your market needs or wants. Therefore, you may choose to make modifications to what you offer to suit your audience.

It helps you minimize risks.

It is market research through which you can find the information you need to decide when to take action on a specific subject. For instance, you may come to know that the particular location where you wanted to commence your business or open a store has a saturated market in your line of business. It makes you refrain from making that decision and watch out for a more appropriate spot.

It measures your reputation.

It is always great to know how you perform against your competitors. Marketing Analysis Services enable you to find out where you are and then you can take actions to change perception.

Market research uncovers potential problems.

You can get consumers’ reactions to a new brand when it’s still being developed. This will enlighten any further development, so it suits its targeted market.

It helps you plan.

Market research allows you to evaluate the likely sales of a new product and also of the advertising expenses needed to achieve maximum profits.

Market research helps you establish trends.

Market research gives you a lot of data to be able to analyze your target customers and establish any particular trends.

So these are the top seven benefits of doing market research. For more, you can contact Penterra Analysis.  

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Importance of Availing Company Profiling Research Services

The main reason behind availing Company Profiling Research Services by a business is to understand and collect information related to a specific set of accounts for designing a strategy or an access plan.

Every profile mission handled by a business is one of its kinds with respect the sort of information that is gathered. In many cases, the information acquired is a mix of valuable contacts, the challenges that have to be met, the priorities that need to be set, reporting about relationships, getting to know what influences purchasing decisions, triggering opportunities, gaining insights on the status and other competitive information.

It’s often noticed that it is quite robust to gain entry into bigger accounts primarily due to different buying influence, challenging and complex decisions making processes including proliferated accounts across varied locations and divisions.

Also, big organisations possess their closely established buying cycles. Therefore, it becomes vital for a new seller to make himself established to the buyer at an earlier stage in the process to offer a chance to influence the buying process.

Account (company profiling) - An excellent way to form a perfect customer relationship

A trick to form a relationship with a customer lies not only in recognising the relationships but also conducting live projects, asset valuations including conduct and achieve prospective projects for the entire year. Some businesspeople also consider opting for Industry News Monitoring Services along with company profiling.

Company profiling that is done for larger accounts needs much time. It requires probing that should be undertaken involving verification of contact, phone calls, web research, the undertaking of projects that are active including expiry dates of service contracts, prospective projects, asset valuation etc.

With so much information, the sales team becomes very adept, efficient and productive while handling larger accounts. Another way is to reach a leading market research agency like Penterra Analytics. Doing this will relieve your sales team of its burden to focus only on what they are good at doing- and that is selling,
What does account profiling process involve?

It involves:
  • Bringing reduction in your learning curve
  • Gaining in-depth knowledge about your target customers
  • Reducing the sales turnaround period
  • Locating the best opportunities for your venture
  • Bringing out your expertise to the fore to satisfy your potential customer’s needs
Account or company profiling helps in bridging the difference that exists between a prospective business and the one that has been closed. This assists the sales teams to get in touch with those relevant customers that will provide results.

Penterra Analytics is a leading agency which provides you with top class company profiling, industry news monitoring and Lead Generation Research Services at very reasonable costs. The agency has been operating for years and has an expert team with a decade of experience in market research and analytics.